Porch Sessions: the new family photography mini session, with Jamie Lucido

Hi All! Its been a long couple of months under stay-at-home orders, while everything has been delayed, including photography.
If you were anything like me, at home trying to figure out how to homeschool the kids and navigate/create what the new ‘normal’ will be, moving forward, you’ve also had a lot of time for reflection.
I have been reminded many times over the last months, of the story about the monkey and the rice. As I found myself with the urge to cling to rituals and paradigms that I formerly loved and wanted to hold on to, but had to be released… so I’ll share a recap of that story here:
This is an ancient story from China, about how traps were set for monkeys. A coconut was hollowed out through a small opening, only large enough for a monkey’s open hand. Rice was put inside the coconut, and left in the pathways where monkeys would find it. A hungry monkey would smell the rice and reach its hand in. But once it grabbed the rice, its hand could not fit back out through the opening. The monkeys that were caught were the ones who would not let go of the rice. The trap was effective only when a monkey was mastered by its desire, instead of necessity.
During this time of isolation and reflection, I found myself holding on tightly to the things I thought were fundamental to daily life. And I struggled with that trap, until I saw it for what it was: my hand was clinging to something inside the coconut, and holding me captive to a life that no longer existed. What ‘normal’ formerly looked like: everything from school for the kids, how we care for elderly and at-risk family and friends, how we shop, work, birthdays, graduations, weddings, and even the daily dynamics in our household between adults… it all had changed. The work I have been building for years, suddenly came to an abrupt halt. I unfolded the grip in my heart, about what I wanted our lives to look like, and discovered a deeper pathway and peace, for whatever this new way of living has in store for us.
I don’t know anyone personally who has been hospitalized due to Covid- so I realize I am still in a bubble… it is hard to wrap my heart and mind around the 313,000 people worldwide who have died during this time. It is sobering, and calls for our careful navigation. But I am a hopeful sort, so I continue to look for silver linings as we continue to remain agile and evolve.
But enough of my rambling… this blog is about the new ‘normal’, and as we’re now into Phase I of reopening for business here in North Carolina, I’ll be offering something new. Porches and Parks: petite family sessions.
Although I am still on the conservative side when it comes to being careful about social distancing, I am excited to find the new balance between protecting our most vulnerable populations, and offering Porch & Park petite sessions. These are 20 minute sessions, and are a refreshing and beautiful way to catch up and capture real life as we plunge into Summer. I use a telephoto lens, and keep at least 15 feet away (that does not mean all of your images look ‘far away’!). Bring on the porches, the front yard bubbles and sprinklers, and of course, the comedy 🙂
Without further ado, here is an example of a porch session with one of my milestone families… I thought it might be fun to pick up where we last left off with the blog,– I can’t believe how much she’s grown since our Fresh 48!
This is real life, including everyone’s awesome ‘ninja masks’, and the sweetest baby smiles– I loved every moment of it. Thank you for allowing me a quick visit in your front yard, Nichelle and Matt! Our milestone year continues to be beautiful <3
Much love to you all, and I look forward to navigating this new world with you <3

Porch Sessions | Charlotte Family Photographer | Jamie Lucido Photography
Jamie Lucido is a family and wedding photographer based in Charlotte, NC. serving the Carolinas and vacation destinations worldwide.
Jamie offers family, wedding, engagement, and documentary photography. Serving the Charlotte, Belmont, and Lake Norman areas including: South Park, Myers Park, Midwood, Berewick, Madison Park, Stonehaven, Dilworth, Starmount, Kingsbridge, Cameron Wood, NoDa, Commonwealth, Barclay Downs, Ballantyne, Highland Creek, Eastover, Foxcroft, Montibello, Wendover-Sedgewood, Hembstead, Park Crossing, Mountainbrook, Freedom Park, Providence Crossing, Denver, Davidson, Matthews, Ft. Mill, Waxhaw, Tega Cay.
Jamie is available for travel and destination photography outside of the Carolinas, and is a native of the California coast. She offers family photography year-round in Charlotte, and twice yearly in Monterey, Carmel, and Big Sur, California. Please inquire for details!
For more information, find me on Facebook, Instagram, or Contact Me!
Jamie Lucido Photography, LLC | www.jamielucidophotography.com
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